
obesity, coronavirus infection, angiotensin converting enzyme, cytokine storm, respiratory distress syndrome


In the modern world, the problem of obesity against the background of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection has become particularly dangerous.
On the one hand, the prevalence of obesity among the population is steadily increasing, on the other hand, it has been proven that obese people belong to the most vulnerable group in terms of an increased risk of infection and an unfavorable prognosis. This is due to the presence and peculiarities of the development of various pathological mechanisms in this category of patients. These include high expression of angiotensin converting enzyme 2, a high probability of developing a "cytokine storm", maintenance of a chronic inflammatory process in adipose tissue, changes in the activity of the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase-4, which lead to an aggravation of metabolic disorders in adipose tissue, as well as impaired immune protection. The severity of the condition of obese patients hospitalized with COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) is due to the presence of polymorbidity. World medical practice in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic shows that patients with coronavirus infection on the background of obesity more often require hospitalization in intensive care units and connection to artificial ventilation devices. Currently, the features of the course of coronavirus infection against the background of obesity continue to be studied. These include the presence of severe respiratory failure, a high risk of developing respiratory distress syndrome, thrombosis and thromboembolic complications, as well as worsening of the course of chronic cardiovascular diseases, which leads to the development of multiple organ failure and death. The development of drugs takes into account the mechanisms of virus penetration into the cell, the peculiarities of its pathophysiology and interaction with the human body.