Chronic sinusitis is a chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities. The study was conducted in the otolaryngology department and 110 patients treated with chronic recurrent rhinosinusitis (CRRS) in stationary conditions for 2021 years were selected. The average age of patients: up to 17-70 years. During the examination, all patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the degree of remission of the disease: I group – mild remission (n=46), II – moderate severity (n=33), III – severe remission (n=31). For the purpose of CRRS treatment, patients were divided into two groups: group I patients were treated only with standard therapy, group II patients were treated with a drug of derinat and pomegranate seed oil (to drink 6 drops of pomegranate seed oil per day) in addition to standard therapy.