Many scientists dealing with the problem of spinal osteochondrosis (SO) believe that one of the most important factors that predetermine the trend to-wards chronicity of the main clinical syndrome - pain syndrome in lumbar oste-ochondrosis (LO) is the progression of the main pathogenetic element - catabolic me-tabolism in the affected interstitial space ringing disk – MTD [1-22]. Based on this, in order to restore the destroyed part of the affected IVD, chondroprotective drugs are used in the complex of conservative therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine [3-7, 9-12]. According to these factors, under the influence of chondroprotective drugs in the cartilaginous tissue of the affected IVD, protein synthesis from amino acids and mu-copolysaccharide (glucosaaminoglucans, chondroitin sulfate) from monosaccharides is restored, with a simultaneous increase in their expression from chondrocytes into the matrix, where the self-assembly of the IVD macromolecule, aggrecan, is en-hanced .