Significant destruction of the crown part of the tooth is regarded as a disease that eventually leads to morphofunctional disorders of the dentition and the entire dental system. Therefore, early diagnosis of pathological restructuring of the dental system and knowledge of the pathogenesis of possible complications after tooth extraction are not of little importance, which, in turn, determine the indications for preventive orthopedic treatment. For effective treatment of the destroyed crown part of the tooth, all kinds of pin structures are used, the most "ancient" of which are parapulpar pin structures.
Literature analysis shows a huge number of methods and options structures for the treatment of this pathology, which have both advantages, as well as shortcomings. Of these, the method of manufacture occupies a dominant position. stump pin tab with its subsequent coating with artificial crown (often metal-ceramic). This method is considered by many authors, is the "gold standard" (Poluyan M.S. et al. 2018; Lelari O.V., Pospelov A.N., 2018; Neumann P., 2015; Sedrez-Porto J.A. et al., 2016).
But, Despite the significant advances made in the manufacture of the above construction, the number of complications after restoration defects in hard tissues of teeth, remains quite high. And for the most degree, this is due to the lack of the necessary amount of space under artificial crown, which undoubtedly leads to frequent decementation crowns and chips of facing material. Long-term results prosthetics in such clinical situations show that the violation fixation of non-removable orthopedic structures is observed in up to 38% of cases, and ceramic chips up to 15% (Fisyunov A.D., Rubnikovich S.P., 2018; Mansur Yu.P., 2018; Silva L. et al., 2016).