During the last 3 years, due to the Kovid-19 pandemic, due to the widespread use of ulcerogenic drugs (which cause ulcers in the gastrointestinal mucosa), a sharp increase in the number of chronic gastritis has been observed worldwide, especially in Uzbekistan. One or two other types of gastritis are observed in 95% of cases of the elderly population.
In the article, optimization of the standard methods of treatment of chronic gastritis among folk, medical methods, in particular "Ventrap" ("Omar care" LLC, developed in Uzbekistan) with the addition of a complex of biologically active substances.
A comparative analysis of the standard and the second group of additional therapy "Vetrap" was planned for 1 group of 120 patients. As a result, for the treatment of chronic gastritis, it will be possible to introduce a complex of biologically active substances produced from natural local plants, which are economical, highly effective, without side effects, for the first time on a scientific basis, to a wide medical practice.