According to studies, one of the most common chronic pain syndromes is pain in the lumbosacral region [3 , 5 ]. Throughout life, this pain of varying intensity is experienced by 48% to 100% of adults, and annually from 31% to 50% of the middle-aged population [12]. Chronic back pain affects about 30% of the population in developed countries [6]. It is on them that up to 75% of health care resources are spent on the treatment of back pain in general [8]. Acute pain in the back and lower extremities is one of the most common causes leading to temporary disability [11].
Most researchers consider the spinal roots, intervertebral discs, intervertebral joints, muscles to be the main source of pain in the lower back (LBP), as well as pathology of the pelvic organs as one of the important causes [1 , 7 ].